First Day of Third Grade

Today was Jules’ first day of school as a third grader, or the American equivalent of French CE2, in the French Section at the Taipei European School.  He’ll be alternating his days in English and French with a bit of Chinese thrown in on a daily basis.  Luckily, the school is only a 10 minute bus ride away from our apartment.  If and when the weather ever cools down, then it’ll be a nice 20 minute stroll to school.  Philip and I were more nervous than Jules as we dropped him off on the football field to be lead away by his English teacher, Mr. Marsh, who was very sweet and introduced Jules to all the kids on line.

At pick up, Jules was all smiles, and Mr. Marsh was happy to have a native English speaker in the class.  Jules even scored the coveted class “job” of feeding the class turtle, Leonardo.  When asked about his day, Jules talked about the wonders of the school lunch for five minutes.  Lobster bisque with mushroom croquettes, fresh salad and caramel pudding?  Yes, please!


By the main entrance to TES
A proud daddy
Queuing up before class