2017 Summer Universiade

Today officially marked the last day of the 2017 Summer Universiade, aka the Taipei 2017 Universiade, an Olympics-lite event organized for university athletes by the International University Sports Federation.  This was the biggest sporting event Taipei has ever hosted, and they pulled out all the stops.  Although tickets to all events were sold out by the time we got our act together, we did manage to hop on one of the specially designed Universiade metro cars on the Taipei Songshan-Xindian line.  We waited for the train to pull into the last stop on the Xindian side, and then went nuts running from one car to the next to get as many photos of the different sports venues as possible without the cars filling up with too many people.

Given that pre-teen Jules sulks most of the time now in front of the camera, it was a small miracle to get as many shots as I did of him ‘playing’ different sports: basketball, football, baseball, swimming, we got it all.  What a fun way for the city to get people involved in such a big event.

Shooting hoops
Taking the plunge
This one’s for you, Matthew
On the football pitch