International Day of Peace 2017

Yesterday marked the 36th annual International Day of Peace as set forth by the United Nations in order to promote peace around the world regardless of our differences.  As it turns out, the Big Orange didn’t get the memo.  Nonetheless, the Taipei European School certainly did, and it was sweet seeing so many of the children dressed up in white and making their ‘peace’ stars in the lobby. Jules was not keen on having his photo taken yesterday, so the photo of him not wearing all white was taken this morning.

I don’t recall any occasion in either my or Jules’ American schooling where we celebrated this day of peace.  ‘Crazy hat day’ and ‘wear all orange for the heck of it day,’ however, are recognized at a certain school in Brooklyn.  Anyway, the teachers took time out of their daily schedule to discuss the significance of this day and to discuss ways in which the kids can promote peace themselves.  The French classes wrote ‘peace’ stars describing “Mon Monde de Paix,” or my world of peace.  Schools advocating for peace and community involvement?  Sign me up!