Japan, Part III: Kyoto (京都)

We had to leave Tokyo before I bought any more Kit Kats from Japanese super chain Don Quixote.  I am not a candy/sweets person at all, but I go crazy for the amazing variety of Kit Kat flavors you can only buy in Japan, like Hokkaido roasted tea, limited edition sake, Uji matcha….  I end up giving away almost all of it, but they become like collector’s items to me.  Crazy, I know.

First ride on Japan’s bullet train, the Shinkansen


We were all excited for our very first ride on Japan’s bullet train, or Shinkansen, for our journey to our next destination, Kyoto.  We set our phones to countdown as the trains here are known for leaving precisely at the minute posted.  We lucked out on the ride where we had a crystal clear view of Mount Fuji in the distance, so lovely.



A clear view of Mount Fuji

After our 2 1/2 hour train ride, we proudly navigated the local Kyoto bus system on our own and made it to the most special Air BNB we have ever stayed in, a Kyo-machiya, or traditional Kyoto Japanese home, in a residential neighborhood.

Our Kyo-machiya, the best Air BNB ever!

Constructed of original wood from 120 years ago, this home was absolutely delightful with its tatami mat flooring, shoji screen doors and “alley” outside of the main house serving as both kitchen and washing up area.  The restroom and shower stall were located outside of the main house in a beautiful little garden.  Philip’s favorite part was the kotatsu table, an ingenious invention that incorporates a mini heater under a low table with a heavy blanket draped over.  If you suffer from cold feet, then you’ll understand Philip’s infatuation.  Jules loved all the nooks and crannies and narrow staircase to the second floor.  I have to admit, though, the thought of him accidentally putting a hand or foot through one of the shoji screens made me nervous while staying in this special home.

A sweet welcome note


Our host, Nozomi, made us feel at home right away with her handwritten welcome note and detailed local map.





The sky was aglow with the most glorious orangey redness as we walked to the neighborhood mom and pop soba restaurant for a nourishing dinner of tempura, homemade soba noodles and miso soup.

Soba noodles at neighborhood restaurant
A beautiful Kyoto sunset