Jules’ first salon haircut

It was high time to transition this eight year old boy’s hair style from little kid to big kid.  Although I do enjoy cutting Jules’ hair and derive strange pleasure from watching haircutting YouTube tutorials, I don’t enjoy cleaning up the fistfuls of hair left in the bathtub afterwards.  Most professional NYC hair stylists don’t cut children’s hair for obvious reasons, but BIBA believes that if a kid can sit still for 45 minutes, then a head of hair is a head of hair.  So, I booked Jules’ first salon haircut with A-Fa at BIBA hair salon in the trendy Xinyi district.

Based on the staff’s wide smiles and picture taking I had a feeling that although in theory BIBA accepts children, it must not actually have many kiddie clients.  Jules lucked out, since his stylist, A-Fa, radiated pure sweetness (and being cute never hurts).

Philip and I watched as our little boy slowly became a big boy in a little under an hour.  They really do grow up too quickly.

The wonderful A-Fa and Jules