Tainan (台南): Part 2

It’s hard to believe but coming to Tainan wasn’t all about the food. I had read about the Chimei Museum, a private museum established in 1992 by a businessman, Shi Wen-Long, to bring artwork to the citizens of Tainan for free. As non-Tainan residents we had to reserve paid tickets at least one day in […]

Tainan (台南): Part I

Since we have a few more days left in Taiwan, I thought, let’s go on a trip! For our last hurrah, we traveled south to Tainan, the oldest city in Taiwan. Once the capital of Taiwan during the Qing dynasty, Tainan is known for its temples, historic sites and of course, foood! Our first stop […]

Mandarin Daily News (國語日報)

This post is an unpaid plug for what I think is the best Mandarin learning program in Taipei.  One of the reasons why I wanted to move to Taiwan was to improve my Chinese reading and writing.  I checked out a couple of different programs before choosing Mandarin Daily News (MDN).  It wasn’t a choice, […]