Treasure Hill Artist Village…again (寶藏巖)

Philip and I visited the Treasure Hill Artist Village, a collection of restored homes and artist studios that once housed military veterans in the late 40s, back in January 2018. Jules never had the chance to visit, so I thought it’d be fun to invite our friends, the Roy’s, along. Check out my blog post on this jewel of a place from January 2018 if you’re interested in its history.

For adults this is a nice place to soak in some history, feel a nice breeze off the nearby river and stumble across hidden artist studios in the winding paths and stairs across the complex. Personally, it’s a plant lover’s paradise since plants that require high maintenance in NYC apartments grow like weeds in the tropical environment here. For kids it’s an urban playground with opportunities around every corner for climbing, jumping and playing hide-and-seek.

Top: Present Bottom: January 2018
Treasure Hill Temple
Floored by this fiddle leaf fig!
The entrance to a hidden café

In our meanderings, we came across the studio of Chih-Hsu Chen Craft and Art (陳治旭工藝美術創作), where Mr. Chen invited us inside to show us some of his woodwork and paper cuttings.

The kids mostly enjoyed the interactive exhibits exploring sound and just playing tag.

Love the remnants of the tiling in the old homes