Zhong Zheng Riverside Biking

It’s been tough seeing family and friends due to the level 3 restrictions here in Taiwan, but we wanted to spend time with my cousin, Charles, and his kids before they move to New York in a week or so. So once again, Jules and I psyched ourselves up to be one with the heat and go for a morning bike ride with the cousins along the Zhong Zheng riverside park.

Charles’ wife, Vanessa, stayed behind with baby Irvin, but we had a nice two hour ride with Wilder and Auria. We had a rough start as Auria did a full face plant off her bike on the initial downward slope. I couldn’t believe how quickly she recovered, though, and we were off in no time. Although she couldn’t keep up she took her time and completed the entire course without a single complaint. These Taiwanese kids are made of hardy stock.

Although the cousins will be in Queens initially, we’re so thrilled to have more family on the East coast and look forward to more adventures together.

Jules, Wilder & Auria
Auria, one tough cookie
Defeated by the heat
Pretty much sums up the world right now