Treasure Hill Artist Village (寶藏巖)

  This enchanting hodge podge of private residences, artist studios, cafes and temple really was a treasure.  Back in the late 40s, this housing community was built to accommodate military veterans, specifically members of the Kuomintang (KMT), who had fled China.  Its location was chosen strategically, next to a river for easy transport of goods […]

Bitan Lake (碧潭湖)

Happy New Year! Philip had to leave LA a couple days before us for work, so Jules and I boarded a somewhat empty plane back to Taipei on New Year’s Eve.  The captain led us all in a countdown to 2018 somewhere over the Pacific.  Part of me smiled inside knowing that our new year […]

Maokong (貓空)

Jules’ eyes almost popped out of his head when I told him we were going to 貓空 (Maokong) today, since it literally translates to ‘cat sky.’  Visions of cats suspended mid-air — images both enchanting and slightly disturbing — had Jules all in a tizzy. Philip was off earning our livelihood, so Jules and I […]

Hanging around town

My laptop of 5 1/2 years finally died.  Until I find a replacement my posts will be short on text and more visually weighted. Traveling is exhilarating but exhausting, so we’ve been hanging around town lately, exploring new sights closer to home.  Here are some shots from the Huashan 1914 Creative Park ( 華山1914文化創意產業園區), a […]

Escaping to Yilan 宜蘭 for a Day

We took advantage of a school holiday to go on a day trip with Aunt Ivy to the ever-crowded city/county of Yilan.  We made the half hour, eight mile long drive through the Hsuehshan Tunnel (雪山隧道), the ninth longest tunnel in the world, connecting Taipei to Yilan. The alternative is a vomit-filled two hour ride […]