Hokkaido, Part VI: Shiretoko & Rausu

We were all bundled up for our guided hike this morning through the Shiretoko Five Lakes region inside the Shiretoko National Park.  Because of its remote location Shiretoko is home to many endangered species, and the goverment takes great pains to protect it.  From May 10 to July 31, during peak brown bear season, an […]

Hokkaido, Part IV: Asahikawa & Abashiri

Time for some city life.  Our next destination would have been too long of a drive from Biei, so we stopped off at Asahikawa, Hokkaido’s second largest city, for its famous zoo and shoyu ramen.  The Asahiyama Zoo in Asahikawa is one of Japan’s most famous due to its unique enclosures, which allow visitors to […]

Hokkaido, Part III: Furano & Biei

  Today we drove northeast to farm country.  The farther we drove the sight of cars and buildings gave way to rolling green hills, stretches of vegetables in the making and the most unbelievable flower farms.  Our first stop was at Hakone Dairy Farm for a lesson in cow milking.  Realizing how time consuming it […]

Japan, Part VI: Kyoto and Osaka

The peace and quiet of early morning is priceless, especially when sightseeing.  On our last day in Kyoto, I was the sole beneficiary of an entire block of cherry blossoms just by waking up a couple of hours before everyone else.  So worth it.   I eased my way through the streets of Gion, enjoying […]

Japan, Part IV: Kyoto (京都)

  After taking it easy the day before we were all set to go hard again.  We set out early to beat the crowds at one of Kyoto’s iconic sights, Kinkaku-ji Temple, or Golden Pavilion.  This Buddhist temple is popular for its gold plating and reflection in ‘mirror pond’ and the gorgeous surrounding landscaping.  Despite […]

Japan, Part I: Tokyo (東京)

Hundreds year-old traditions, impeccable food, polite-to-a-fault natives and cherry blossoms?  Count me in!  Since Philip’s mom and sister, Kim, were arriving one week into Jules’ spring break from school, we had exactly seven days to squeeze in two weeks’ worth of fun in Japan beforehand.  Here we go…   Landing at Haneda International Airport and figuring out […]

Sun Moon Lake (曰月潭)

Although we’re heading to Japan in a week, we couldn’t resist going away for a weekend trip to take advantage of the quickly fleeting gorgeous weather in Taipei.  Philip had mentioned checking out Sun Moon Lake in central Taiwan awhile ago, but I wasn’t so keen on it due to prior subpar tour group experiences. […]