Japan, Part III: Kyoto (京都)

We had to leave Tokyo before I bought any more Kit Kats from Japanese super chain Don Quixote.  I am not a candy/sweets person at all, but I go crazy for the amazing variety of Kit Kat flavors you can only buy in Japan, like Hokkaido roasted tea, limited edition sake, Uji matcha….  I end […]

Japan, Part I: Tokyo (東京)

Hundreds year-old traditions, impeccable food, polite-to-a-fault natives and cherry blossoms?  Count me in!  Since Philip’s mom and sister, Kim, were arriving one week into Jules’ spring break from school, we had exactly seven days to squeeze in two weeks’ worth of fun in Japan beforehand.  Here we go…   Landing at Haneda International Airport and figuring out […]