China, Part I: Beijing 北京

China: our first international getaway since moving to Taiwan. What, isn’t Taiwan a part of China??  Well, my friends, I challenge any of you to spend a week in each region and then, you tell me if they’re the same country. First up, the big boy capital of China…Beijing. The last time I was in […]

Escaping to Yilan 宜蘭 for a Day

We took advantage of a school holiday to go on a day trip with Aunt Ivy to the ever-crowded city/county of Yilan.  We made the half hour, eight mile long drive through the Hsuehshan Tunnel (雪山隧道), the ninth longest tunnel in the world, connecting Taipei to Yilan. The alternative is a vomit-filled two hour ride […]

Howard 舅舅 and Jungha 阿姨

Uncle Howard and Auntie Jungha…our first visitors!  Although we’re having a great time experiencing things here in our new country, it’s always nice to have a piece of home in a new environment.  I realized that this is the first time my brother, Howard, and I have been in Taiwan together since we were children. […]

Becoming Taiwanese

Aaaahhhh, we finally did it!!  After months of incredible amounts of stress and running back and forth to buildings like the one below, we finally obtained Jules’ Taiwanese passport today!  I practically squealed when the lady at the passport counter at the Bureau of Consular Affairs handed over the passport.  As you can see from […]

First Day of Third Grade

Today was Jules’ first day of school as a third grader, or the American equivalent of French CE2, in the French Section at the Taipei European School.  He’ll be alternating his days in English and French with a bit of Chinese thrown in on a daily basis.  Luckily, the school is only a 10 minute […]